Comics tagged with 'wlw romance'

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    Patchwork and Lace
    Patchwork and Lace
    Creator(s): Sooz Knowles
    Genre(s): Adventure, Fantasy, Romance
    Content Warnings: abduction/kidnapping, abuse, blood/gore, dark/disturbing themes, death, emotional abuse, harm to children, non-sexual nudity, physical abuse, profanity, sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual content, suicidal ideation, torture, trauma, violence
    Update Schedule: Mondays

    Summary: Lilika is a Lovecraftian Disney princess mage. Sheol is a superpowered undead. They both escaped lives of abuse, and found each other. Now they travel the world as monster hunters, wrestle with their traumas, and try to navigate a relationship with little practical knowledge of romance.